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  • Do Horses Like Music?  And if So, What’s Their Jam?

    Do Horses Like Music? And if So, What’s Their Jam?

    Given how much humans like music, it is natural to wonder whether animals, including horses, are also affected by music in a similar way. Do horses like music? To answer this question, we must dive into the world of equine behavior and explore the various factors affecting their responses to music. It is no secret…

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  • Smells Horses Hate – It’s All About Survival

    Smells Horses Hate – It’s All About Survival

    Many horse owners know that it is impossible to hide treats from their horses. No matter how many layers of clothing the treat is hidden under, the horse is able to sniff it out. Horses have a sense of smell much better than ours and have many smells they like. However, are there any smells…

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  • 9 Worst Horse Breeds for Beginners – New Riders Beware

    9 Worst Horse Breeds for Beginners – New Riders Beware

    Horseback riding is something that people of all skill levels can enjoy. However, some horse breeds are better suited to those with more experience. So, what are the worst horse breeds for beginners? The worst horse breeds for beginner riders include Arabian Horses, Thoroughbreds, Mustangs, Akhal Teke Horses, Shire Horses, Percheron Horses, Trakehner Horses, Friesian…

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  • Do Horses Understand Words?  And If So, How Much?

    Do Horses Understand Words? And If So, How Much?

    Almost every horse owner will talk to their horse. From issuing commands to calling them in from the field, words feature heavily in human interactions with horses. Some owners even report that discussing their day or problems with their horses helps calm them. But do horses understand words, or is it simply just noise to…

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  • Do Horses Know Their Name? – Why Do They Respond?

    Do Horses Know Their Name? – Why Do They Respond?

    Calling your horse in from the field is often a wonderful sight – they hear their name and come running to you. This is true for most horses, and it’s a sign that they like spending time with you. But do horses know their name when you call them or is it simply a cue…

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  • Why is My Horse Rooting at the Bit? – And What to Do?

    Why is My Horse Rooting at the Bit? – And What to Do?

    Part of the beauty of horses is how different they are from one another. Personality traits, quirks, likes, and dislikes vary from horse to horse, as do habits. Unfortunately, horses are susceptible to developing bad habits if their owners, handlers, and riders aren’t careful. Behaviors like rooting at the bit are annoying at best, and…

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  • 22 Ways to Tell if a Horse is Happy – Equine Contentment

    22 Ways to Tell if a Horse is Happy – Equine Contentment

    What is ‘happiness’ for a horse and how can you tell if a horse is happy?  As horse owners, we like to think our horses are happy and content.  But are they?  Fortunately, horses can usually be relied upon to let us know whether they’re happy, or unhappy!  It’s just a case of knowing what…

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  • Why Do Horses Bite? – 5 Causes and Simple Solutions

    Why Do Horses Bite? – 5 Causes and Simple Solutions

    Horses have been human companions for thousands of years. Spending time with horses can be a rewarding and therapeutic experience, but working with horses comes with risks. One of the most common issues horse handlers face is the risk of being bitten. Understanding why horses bite and how to prevent it is crucial for any…

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  • Can You Ride a Horse With Arthritis? – And When to Stop

    Can You Ride a Horse With Arthritis? – And When to Stop

    Should you, or can you, ride a horse with arthritis?  Well, it rather depends on who has arthritis – you or the horse!  If it’s you, then yes, you can still enjoy your favorite pastime, although you may need to support those aching joints in some way.  If your horse has arthritis, it depends… The…

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