
  • can cows and horses graze together

    Can Cows and Horses Graze Together? 6 Tips for Success

    If you own or look after horses and cows, you may well be wondering if they can graze together.  Being able to have your horses and cows on the same pasture is convenient, and cost-effective.  But is it best practice for your equine and bovine friends?  The short answer is yes, cows and horses can…

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  • Is a cow a good companion for a horse

    Is a Cow a Good Companion for a Horse?

    We know that horses are sociable animals, but do they only socialize with other horses?  Or can they have other companions?  If you run a farm or a homestead and keep various livestock, you may wonder – is a cow a good companion for a horse? The answer is yes, very much so! Cows are…

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