herd dynamics

  • How to pair horses together for pasture

    How to Pair Horses Together for Pasture and Grazing 

    Pasture time and socialization with other horses are vital to the well-being of your horse. Horses are social animals that need time outside with their buddies to play, eat grass, and just enjoy being a horse. But, how do you choose what horses to pair together for pasture and grazing time? It is important to…

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  • visual signs of dominance in horses

    Visual Signs of Dominance in Horses – Who’s The Boss?

    Being able to understand equine behavior is an essential skill for anyone involved with horses. One significant aspect of horse behavior is dominance, which plays a vital role in herd dynamics. Some horses are more dominant than others, and recognizing signs of dominance in horses helps us stay safe around them. It also helps us…

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  • why do wild horses get kicked out of herds

    Why Do Wild Horses Get Kicked Out Of Herds?

    Watching a herd of wild horses at a full gallop is a sight to behold. They communicate changes of pace and direction almost invisibly, and not one crashes into another! Wild horses form strong bonds with each other, and herd life is vital for survival. So why is it that sometimes wild horses get kicked…

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