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  • Warmblood vs Thoroughbred Horses: What’s the Difference?

    Warmblood vs Thoroughbred Horses: What’s the Difference?

    Equestrians will often talk about warm-blooded and thoroughbred horses. But what do these terms mean? And when you compare warmblood vs thoroughbred horses, how do they differ? Warm blood and thoroughbred horses are different types of horses. But they are also terms referring to different categories. Thoroughbred horses are a particular breed of horse, that…

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  • What is Groundwork for Horses? – And Why is it Important?

    What is Groundwork for Horses? – And Why is it Important?

    If you are new to riding, you may have heard your instructor talking about groundwork.  But what is groundwork for horses and why is it useful? Not all schooling of horses is done in the saddle. ‘Groundwork’ is used to term structured exercises and cues that are performed on the ground with a horse without…

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  • What is a Stud Book for Horses? Made Simple

    What is a Stud Book for Horses? Made Simple

    If you are interested in different breeds of horses, you will probably have come across the term ‘stud book’.  A particular type or breed of horse is sometimes referred to as being ‘registered’ in a stud book. But what is a stud book for horses? A stud book is a registry or an official record…

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  • Why Do Horses Windsuck? – And What Can You Do About It?

    Why Do Horses Windsuck? – And What Can You Do About It?

    Horses are a wonderful hobby and fantastic companions. They’re also complex creatures with many specific needs and quirks. Like people, they can make bad decisions and develop habits detrimental to their health. For example, It’s common that horses windsuck, especially when stabled.  But why do horses windsuck?  Often horses windsuck as a response to one…

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  • Why do Horses Roll in the Dirt? Should You be Worried?

    Why do Horses Roll in the Dirt? Should You be Worried?

    We all know our horses love to roll, but why do they do it? In fact, anyone who watches horses roll in the dirt will be aware it’s about to happen. Circling and pawing at the ground, and dropping their nose are all signs of this frequent horse behaviour. There are several reasons why horses…

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  • What Is Horse Riding Called, And Why?

    What Is Horse Riding Called, And Why?

    What is horse riding called?  Horse riding covers a wide range of disciplines and interests.  In many cases, this dictates what horse riding is called in that particular instance.  So – what you call horse riding really depends on where you are, and what you do when you ride your horse.  That said, common names…

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  • Am I Too Old to Learn How to Ride a Horse? Starting Later

    Am I Too Old to Learn How to Ride a Horse? Starting Later

    Some people are lucky enough to learn how to ride horses when they are children.  But this isn’t true for everyone. Circumstances or finances might have meant that you were unable to learn to ride when you were younger.  Now that you’re a bit older, you might be wondering am I too old to learn…

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  • 9 Causes of Knee Pain When Horse Riding

    9 Causes of Knee Pain When Horse Riding

    I am prone to getting knee pain when horse riding. I’m generally okay when I’m riding in the school. But as soon as I go on a long trail ride, my knees will start aching.  For ages, I thought that I was alone with this problem. However, after doing some research to find a solution…

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