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  • Do Horses Get Cold in The Rain? And When to Rug Up

    Do Horses Get Cold in The Rain? And When to Rug Up

    Exactly how horses are affected by exposure to rain is a question many horse owners have. Do horses get cold in the rain? How much rain can they comfortably handle? Are they prone to any illnesses after standing in the rain? Let’s dive right into the answer. The short answer is that horses get cold…

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  • Do Racehorses Wear Shoes?  And If So, What Type?

    Do Racehorses Wear Shoes? And If So, What Type?

    Horseshoes are a piece of specially shaped material fitted to a horse’s hoof. The use of shoes is important to the everyday ridden horse – but do racehorses wear shoes? Their goal is to be the fastest horse on race day; do they wear shoes to help their performance? Nearly all racehorses wear shoes, but…

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  • At What Age Can Kids Learn to Ride a Horse?

    At What Age Can Kids Learn to Ride a Horse?

    When helping a child get used to horses and graduate to riding them eventually, it’s a good idea to avoid rushing both the horse and the child into interacting with each other. If someone wants to help their kids learn how to ride horses, how old do their kids have to be before they start…

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  • What Age Can Kids Ride Horses Unattended?

    What Age Can Kids Ride Horses Unattended?

    Riding a horse can be an exciting and exhilarating experience. Many of us went through a phase in our childhoods where we wanted a horse or pony of our own or at least watched people ride them in movies and wished that it was. While these dreams may or may not have come true, it…

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  • Windsucking After Eating  – What, if Anything Should You Do?

    Windsucking After Eating  – What, if Anything Should You Do?

    Some horses windsuck throughout the day and others windsuck now and again.  And some horses only engage in windsucking after eating.  Windsucking after food is such a specific behavior, that often leaves owners scratching their heads in puzzlement.  Why is it that some horses windsuck specifically after they have eaten? Sometimes windsucking after eating can…

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  • How to Help a Spooky Horse (and its Rider)

    How to Help a Spooky Horse (and its Rider)

    Horses spook because they are flight animals, so it’s natural for them to be defensive and suspicious. A spooky horse will jump to the side in a startled fashion, sometimes called shying. This is often accompanied by a rapid turn of speed, usually involving going as fast as possible in the other direction. There are…

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  • What is a Horse passport? And Does my Horse Need One?

    What is a Horse passport? And Does my Horse Need One?

    Over the last few decades horse passport systems have gradually been implemented across the world.  These days a horse passport it’s just one of the bits of paperwork that you may need if you are thinking about owning a horse.  But exactly what is a horse passport? A horse passport is a document that is…

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  • Do Horseshoes Hurt Horses? – The Surprising Truth

    Do Horseshoes Hurt Horses? – The Surprising Truth

    Horseshoes are a piece of riding equipment that has been debated for some time. Some owners shoe their horses because it supports their hooves, while others say going barefoot is better for hoof health. Since the hoof is the horse equivalent to a human foot, some equestrians may find themselves asking- do horseshoes hurt horses?…

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  • Horse Riding After a Broken Wrist – What Can You Expect?

    Horse Riding After a Broken Wrist – What Can You Expect?

    When I broke my wrist the first question in my mind was how long it would be before I could horse ride again.  If you are a horse nut, and you have had a fracture, you are probably stressing about that too.  So, I thought it would be helpful to share my experience of what…

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